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Organize vital information for all of your firearms into one log book. Includes 30 forms. One form per page and three pages for notes.
Forms contain fields to identify and describe your specific firearm by manufacturer, serial #, model, action, finish, barrel length, repairs/modifications, attached accessories/optics, and other unique characteristics found only on your firearms.
Forms also contain fields to record storage location, where you acquired the firearm, current value (firearm, accessories, magazines, optics, etc), date sold, and ample room for you to add your specific notes about each firearm. All firearms are quickly referenced using your Index of Firearms page. Fields are self-explanatory and provide all the required information for your collection, family, or potential insurance claims.
Collectors may want to consider separate Log Books for each category of firearms in their collection such as Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns, Revolvers, or by Manufacturer. Check out our quantity discounts.
Comb binding lies flat and open on your table.
SIZE: 8 1/2" x 5 1/2"
UPC: 306659851834